AWS Aurora vs Google Cloud SQL

March 01, 2022

Aurora vs SQL: The Battle of the Titans

In today's cloud-based world, everyone is searching for faster, more secure, and more reliable databases. AWS Aurora and Google Cloud SQL are two such solutions that are at the forefront of this field. Aurora is a relational database engine created by Amazon and designed for cloud computing. Google Cloud SQL, on the other hand, is a fully-managed relational database service provided by Google. Both offer high performance, scalability, security, and reliability, but which one is better? Join us as we compare the two in this blog post.


One of the most significant factors to consider while choosing a database engine for your business is pricing. Both Aurora and Cloud SQL have different pricing models. Aurora charges an hourly rate based on the size of the instance and storage used. In contrast, Google Cloud SQL charges per second of usage, with prices depending on the size of the instance, the storage used, and the region selected.

To give you an idea of how much it could cost, an average-sized database with 100 GB of storage could cost around $160 per month for Aurora and around $150 per month for Google Cloud SQL.


When it comes to performance, Aurora uses a distributed architecture that enables it to spread data across multiple instances. This makes it suitable for read-heavy and write-intensive workloads. It also uses a sophisticated caching mechanism that can significantly improve query response times. Google Cloud SQL, on the other hand, uses a set of sharded replicas with automatic failover to ensure high availability.


Both Aurora and Cloud SQL are highly scalable. Aurora uses automatic and intelligent monitoring to increase or decrease the number of resources allocated to an instance based on demand. Cloud SQL can scale up to 64 vCPUs and 416 GB of RAM for its MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.


Both Aurora and Cloud SQL have extensive security features baked in. Aurora uses SSL encryption for data in transit and at rest, supports AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and provides network isolation. Cloud SQL supports encryptions, shields against SQL injection attacks, and also supports IAM controls.


In conclusion, both AWS Aurora and Google Cloud SQL are highly reliable, scalable, secure and perform well. Choosing between them comes down to your specific needs since both have different pricing models, perform differently, and have different scaling capabilities. So, ultimately, the winner is the one that fits your needs the best.

We hope this blog post has provided you with some useful information. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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